Projects Budget:
164 562 евро
Duration of the project: 01.10.2018 – 30.09.2020
extended to 28.02.2021
It is important to stress the fact that due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the course will run entirely online through the Moodle and Zoom platforms, with some scheduled online sessions with the project team and trainers.
Course duration: November 16, 2020 - December 4, 2020. The duration of the course is set at 20 hours of asynchronous training and approximately 3 hours of synchronized online meetings, that will take place during the afternoon hours (date and time tba).
There is a limited number of spots available (30), so submit your application here until November 10, 2020. You will receive a confirmation e-mail when your admission is processed!
There is no participation fee and the participants who will successfully complete the course, will get a certificate.
If you have any questions or want to find out more about the course, do not hesitate to contact: Eurosuccess Consulting – Chrystalla Panayi
European University Cyprus – Dr. Christos Dimopoulos
Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” participate as project partner in “2018-1-CY01-KA203-046879 ENREAC-HEI ENhance REseArChers and HEI staff' skills and competences in data management and research integrity to increase academia collaboration capacity” project.
In the period up to 2025, half of all jobs are projected to require high-level qualifications, but also entrepreneurial capacities, ability to manage complex information, think autonomously, use resources, communicate effectively and be resilient and flexible. As highlighted by ”ON A RENEWED EU AGENDA FOR HIGHER EDUCATION” E.C. COM(2017) 247 report “too many students graduate without the range of transversal skills (problem-solving, communication, etc.) they need for resilience in a changing world".
The present proposal aim at developing and testing a set of MOOC courses on research skills and Open Science practices to offer HE, BA or MA students the possibility to increase skills and competences in research management, open research techniques, collaboration and team building abilities that HE and BA students need to me more efficient and effective at work, making them more desirable by the 21st century labour market.
The innovative contents in the ENREAC-HEI program will enable HE students regardless of discipline, in acquire autonomy, critical thinking and the capacity for problem-solving to make them more efficient and effective at work, increasing their possibility for employment, succeed in their career and in general being all around citizens too.
The main project’s objectives are:
*Increase partners and HEI’s staff involved in the project knowledge on current OPEN SCIENCE practices and REASERCH skills aimed at strengthening EH students capacity for innovation, entrepreneurship and collaboration, within and outside academia.
*Enlarge partners’ training offer by developing and testing the ENREAC-HEI blended modules courses and making it available for their HE, BA and MA students at local, regional and National Level.
* Quality improvement of curricula in partner institutions through the development and testing of ENREAC-HEI's modular modular courses, making them available to students in bachelor and master programs at local, regional and national level.
*Enhance competences and knowledge of educators (professors, assistant professors, mentors, tutors…) in HEIs in offering easy to assimilate contents based on the ENREAC-HEI program
*Foster HEI’s capacity for collaboration with other institutions, strengthening in their local and regional environments, by increasing staff skills and competences, to allow them to interact with a variety of actors in different environments
*Boost the usability - relevance – adequacy – sustainability of the program by engaging and sharing ownership with local actors, experts and stakeholders at local and regional level, during the evaluation and testing periods
Other partners:
European University Cyprus
OIC Poland Foundation
Associazione PROGETTO MARCONI, Italy
Press Release – ENREAC-HEI
It is important to stress the fact that due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the course will run entirely online through the Moodle and Zoom platforms, with some scheduled online sessions with the project team and trainers.
Course duration: November 16, 2020 - December 4, 2020. The duration of the course is set at 20 hours of asynchronous training and approximately 3 hours of synchronized online meetings, that will take place during the afternoon hours (date and time tba).
There is a limited number of spots available (30), so submit your application here until November 10, 2020. You will receive a confirmation e-mail when your admission is processed!
There is no participation fee and the participants who will successfully complete the course, will get a certificate.
If you have any questions or want to find out more about the course, do not hesitate to contact: Eurosuccess Consulting – Chrystalla Panayi
European University Cyprus – Dr. Christos Dimopoulos