The chief architect of Dryanovo Municipality arch. Dragomir Yosifov successfully defended a dissertation to be awarded the educational and scientific degree "doctor" in professional field 5.7 "Architecture, Building Engineering and Geodesy" at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar". The scientific jury - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Zhechka Ilieva, Prof. Dr. Arch. Orlin Davchev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Stella Tasheva, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Maria Davcheva, chaired by Corresponding member Prof. D.Sc. Atanas Kovachev, highly appreciated the dissertation work of arch. Yosifov and wished him success.
In addition to being chief architect of Dryanovo Municipality, arch. Dragomir Yosifov is also a municipal councilor in Veliko Tarnovo, where he is the vice-chairman of the Standing Committee on Territory Planning Transport and Parking Control.
The dissertation of Arch. Yosifov on the topic "Architecture of Veliko Tarnovo City and Out-of-town Monasteries (1185-1396)" is the result of his research. Under the scientific direction of Prof. D.Sc. Atanas Kovachev and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krasimira Vacheva, he analyzed a wide range of problems related to the study of medieval monastery architecture in the Veliko Tarnovo region. The topic is relevant, as a large part of medieval monasteries remain unknown to the general public. The author's ambition is that the analysis will determine the specific architectural values and contribute to the growth of the "deep root" defining our national identity. The time span of the research is between the 12th century and the 14th century - it begins with the establishment of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom in 1185 by the Asen dynasty and continues until the fall of the Tarnovo Kingdom to Ottoman rule in 1393 (Tsar Ivan Shishman) and the last Bulgarian pillar - Ivan Sratsimir's Tsardom of Vidin in 1396. This was a period that at the same time inherited and removed part of the building traditions of the First Bulgarian Kingdom and served as an example in the construction and restoration of monasteries from the Renaissance period and after the Liberation.
Guests of the public defense were the chairman of the Municipal Council in Dryanovo Todor Georgiev, Arch. Dr. Milen Marinov and colleagues from the architectural office of arch. Yosifov. The defense was also attended by Prof. Dr. Pavel Pavlov, director of the Institute for the Training of Doctoral Students at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar".