The magnificent concert-performance Traditions in Rhythm and Creativity, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Academic Dance Theater at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" filled up the Congress Hall of the Palace of Culture and Sports in Varna last night. The event, organized jointly with the Municipality of Varna on Europe Day, showed in a brilliant way that it preserves and conveys the mission of the university and the goals set by the founders of the Academic Dance Theater - Prof. D.Sc. Anna Nedyalkova and Prof. Petar Angelov - to be guardians of Bulgarian tradition, creativity, knowledge, art and culture. Over 350 artists, united by their love for Bulgarian folklore and Varna Free University, brought the wonderful audience to their feet with their impressive performances.
Special guests were the National Folklore Ensemble "Filip Kutev", the Professional Folklore Ensemble "Strandja", the Voice of Bulgaria Petya Paneva and dance ensembles from all over Bulgaria, whose managers are graduates from Choreography at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" - The Children's folklore dance ensemble "Kalinka Valcheva", from the town of Tervel, Ensemble "Balkan Youth" from Etropole, Ensemble and Folk Dance Club "Bulgarin", The Club for folk dances "Moryatsite", Folk Dance Club "Folklorno veselie". The performances of the representative ensemble at The High School for Humanities and Arts "Konstantin Preslavski" were also exciting.
The academic dance theater at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" received one of the highest awards - "Golden Lyre" of the Union of Bulgarian Music and Dance Actors. It was awarded for exceptional contribution and high artistic and creative achievements and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the ensemble by the deputy chairperson of the organization Lyubcho Vasilev. "You hear people saying that stage dance art is at a standstill or in decline, but don't believe them", he said on stage and added that Bulgarian folk art is developing at a significant pace and has achieved high results. Bulgaria has given birth and will give birth to exceptional talents, some of whom are studying at Varna Free University. Professional folklore ensembles await your young choreographers and directors with impatience," he added.
The academic dance theater also received the badge of honor of the mayor of Varna. When presenting it, Ivan Portnih thanked the management of the university for training hundreds of professionally trained personnel who are dedicated to the preservation and development of Bulgarian folklore.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the President of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krasimir Nedyalkov awarded 12 partners and alumni with gold plaques and certificates, who have made an outstanding contribution to raising the prestige of the higher institution as a leader in choreography education and in establishing it as a cultural organization. The awarded are the following: Georgi Andreev - Director of the State Folklore Ensemble "Filip Kutev" and lecturer in the Master's degree programme Scenic Arts, Management and Production of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Mario Egov - Director of the folklore ensemble "Strandja" and lecturer in the Bachelor's degree programme Choreography - Bulgarian Folk Dances of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Dilyan Galev - teacher of Bulgarian dances at the High School for Humanities and Arts "Konstantin Preslavski" - Varna, choreographer of the ensemble "Bulgarin" and lecturer in the bachelor's degree programme Choreography - Bulgarian Folk Dances at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Kalinka Pushkarova - Artistic director of the "Balkan Youth" ensemble, Etropole - a graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Neli Deneva - Artistic Director of the Children's Folklore Ensemble "Kalinka Valcheva" Tervel - graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Polina Galeva - Choreographer of the "Bulgarin" Folk Dance Club - graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Silvia Mateva - Choreographer of the Folklore Club "Moriyatsite" - a graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Stanislav Todorov - Choreographer of the Folk Dance Club "Folklorno veselie" a graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Rumen Radev - teacher of Bulgarian dances at the High School for Humanities and Arts "Konstantin Preslavski" - Varna - graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Milen Grozdev - teacher of Bulgarian dances at the High School for Humanities and Arts "Konstantin Preslavski" - Varna - graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"; Veselin Nikolov, teacher of Bulgarian dances at the High School for Humanities and Arts "Konstantin Preslavski" - Varna - graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" and Petya Paneva - folk singer, winner of "The Voice of Bulgaria - 2022" and participant in a number of concert performances of the Academic Dance Theatre.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivaylo Ivanov, Assoc. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katya Kayryakova and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Kardzhieva received awards from Varna Free University for their outstanding contribution to the study of traditional Bulgarian dance culture and the modern interpretation of stage dance art, recognition of the Choreography major and its transformation into an emblem of the university. They were handed over by the rector, Prof. Petar Hristov.
The Academic Dance Theater was awarded the honorary plaque of the National Representation of Student Councils. The award was presented by the vice-chairperson Dorothea Nikolaeva, a student majoring in Architecture at VFU |Chernorizets Hrabar".
The Association for Professional and Advanced Training in Choreography in the Republic of Bulgaria presented a plaque and certificate for the contribution and support of schools with professional and advanced training in the field of dance art.
At the event, an exciting message was read by Prof. Petar Angelov, who for many years managed the Academic Dance Theater and created author's dances for it. He addressed words of gratitude to the founder of Varna Free University and the Academic Dance Theater Prof. Anna Nedyalkova. "We have tried to establish a good model of professional work and the results show that we have succeeded. My legacy as a founder and educator is permanent and is developing," said Prof. Angelov. He wished the students to be innovators so that people would love them.
The Academic Dance Theater is the creative laboratory of the Choreography students of Varna Free University, where they realize their projects. The ensemble is the winner of prestigious awards in the academic, cultural and educational fields.
Welcome to the Annual Concert of Choreography major, which will be held on June 23, 2023 in Hall 1 of the Festival and Congress Center in Varna.
Media partners of the concert-performance Traditions in Rhythm and Creativity are:
BGNEWS Information Agency
National Weekly Newspaper for Education and Science "Az-Buki"
BNR - Radio Varna
Moreto.Net - Varna's website
Flowers and congratulatory addresses were received from:
The academic management of Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar",
Ivan Portnih - Mayor of the Municipality of Varna,
Mario Smerkov - District Governor of the district with administrative center Varna,
Stefan Sabrutev - District Governor of the district with administrative center Smolyan,
Nikolay Melemov - Mayor of Smolyan Municipality,
Dr. Kostadin Koev - Mayor of Velingrad Municipality,
Mustafa Karaahmev - Mayor of Borino Municipality,
Directorate Education and Youth Activities, Municipality of Varna,
Hristo Hristov - Mayor of Mladost District, Municipality of Varna,
Fleet Admiral Prof. D. Sc. Boyan Mednikarov - Head of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy,
Faculty of Architecture at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar",
Faculty of Law at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar",
Faculty of International Economics and Administration at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar",
Prof. Milena Shushulova - Head of the "Music" Department, NBU,
Department of "Choreography" at SWU, Blagoevgrad,
The National School of Arts "Dobri Hristov"- Varna,
National School of Folk Arts, Kotel,
Boyko Nedelchev - Director of National School of Dance ART Sofia,
St. Kliment Ohridski High School of Arts, Dobrich,
Secondary School "Sava Dobroplodni", town of Shumen,
Ensemble for Bulgarian Folklore Dances and Songs "Odessos" at the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Varna,
Regional Society of Choreographers, Varna,
Children's Folklore Ensemble "Kalinka Valcheva" Tervel and Children's Folklore Ensemble "Moriyatsite" Varna,
Lyubcho Vassilev - Director of Professional Folklore Ensemble "Mizia",
Professional Folklore Ensemble "Dobrudzha", Dobrich,
Professional Folklore Ensemble "Tunja", town of Yambol,
Folk dance club "Hold on, Earth", Targovishte,
Primary school "Todor Peev - 1871", Etropole,
Folklore Ensemble "Severnyache", town of Popovo
Senior Commissioner Yordan Yordanov - Head of the Varna Prison