Prof. Rumen Stamatov, D.Sc. and the author team of Yani Yanev and Dr. Svetlozar Popov were awarded today with the Varna Award in the field of science and higher education, Social Sciences category, on the eve of 24 May - the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture, and of Slavic literature.
Prof. Rumen Stamatov, D.Sc., lecturer in Psychology and creator of the master's programme in Positive Psychology was honoured with an individual award - for overall contribution and significant achievements in academic, research and practical work for the development of positive education, social and educational abilities of students and successfully building of a positive school culture according to the "Positive
Education at School" project of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", which is innovative for Bulgaria and was implemented in "Geo Milev" Secondary School - Varna.
"I thank the team of the school and personally its head teacher Albena Pavlova for the trust and active work," said Prof. Stamatov and added that Varna should become the centre of a new educational paradigm based on the well-being, happiness and academic achievements of children. The head teacher of "Geo Milev" Secondary School Albena Pavlova specially congratulated Prof. Stamatov.
The first comprehensive methodology for positive education was developed under the project and implemented jointly with the leading Varna school. It covers various programmes and activities related to the development of strengths, happiness, social and educational abilities, and the building of a positive school culture. The methodology examines the change of attitudes of students, teachers and parents towards positive education and the importance of well-being and health in school. It also affects the social competences of students in the digitalization process. The psychological well-being of the children is the basis. This affects their psychological health, and on the other hand, supports their success, coping with various challenges and increasing results.
The programme uses the strengths of students, teachers and their parents. The joint actions include training sessions for teaching staff, lectures with parents and introduction of the student well-being programme.
The results of the project are presented in four research studies and include the conceptual foundations and content of positive education, programmes and workbooks to help teachers and for self-study of students.
Prof. Stamatov's nomination was supported by, in addition to Albena Pavlova – head teacher of "Geo Milev" Secondary School, the School Board of Trustees of the leading Varna school and Petko Petkov – head teacher of "St. Kliment Ohridski" Secondary School.
The author team of Yani Yanev and Dr. Svetlozar Popov received a collective Varna Award - for significant achievements in the study of historical aspects of treaty and international public law - the basis of an innovative author's approach to training law students and their monographic work "
The Origin of Treaties in the Bulgarian Statehood 5th – 7
th century".
The inspiring academic environment of Varna Free University helped us in the preparation of our work, Yani Yanev said. Upon receiving the Varna Award, he announced that part of the funds will be donated to "Varna Necropolis I", and the rest will be used to establish a scholarship for a student from Varna Free University.
Yani Yanev is the vice president of Varna Free University, a lawyer and public figure. In his mandate as a regional governor (2001 - 2005), it was he who initiated the establishment of Varna Award in the field of science and higher education.
Dr. Popov is a doctor and an active participant in civil society, being one of the initiators of the creation of the "Varna Necropolis I" Association. The authors have joint reports on historical topics.
Their monographic work "
The Origin of Treaties in the Bulgarian Statehood 5th – 7
th century" presents an in-depth analysis of a wide range of historical sources for the period 5th - 7th century, enriched through the eyes of the jurist, who focuses on the Treaty of 448 between Byzantium and the Hun Empire. The authors investigate the question of whether Isperih Bulgaria was the legal successor to the territorial rights established by this treaty, tracing the continuity in the ruling power, both on the basis of genealogical continuity and in the continuity of the existence of the social organization of the ancient Bulgarians and other tribes and peoples, participated in the ethnogenesis of Isperih Bulgaria, combined with a permanent territorial presence. A poorly studied period of Bulgarian history, related to the process of the emergence of the Bulgarian statehood, namely the time before the creation of Isperih Bulgaria, has been studied. The topic is presented in a dynamic, imaginative, accessible and reader-inclusive style. The work has an interdisciplinary character and offers a new view and light on the chronological framework of the rulers of the earliest Bulgarian history.
Comments and recommendations for awarding Varna Award to Yani Yanev and Dr. Svetlozar Popov were given by BAS Corr.Mem.Prof. Ivan Ruschev, D.Sc., Prof. Ivan Bilyarski, D.Sc., Prof. Yanaki Stoilov, PhD, Prof. Dr. Emil Konstantinov, Prof. Hristo Matanov, D.Sc. , Prof. Georgi Penchev, PhD.
The team led by Prof. Veselin Mihalev D.Sc. – head teacher of "Dobri Chintulov" Primary School and lecturer at the Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Postgraduate Qualification of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" was also awarded Varna Award. The school won the prestigious award in the Team of the Year category in the field of primary education.
33 individuals and teams were honoured with Varna Award for their outstanding achievements in the field of education, science and culture in the past year. By tradition, the official awarding ceremony takes place on the eve of 24 May- the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture, and of Slavic literature. In the packed Plenary hall of the Municipality of Varna, the Mayor Blagomir Kotsev and the Chairman of the Municipal Council Hristo Dimitrov jointly presented the prestigious awards.
"I thank you for turning Varna into your cause and for devoting yourself to it. Next to each one of you stands a worthy citizen of Varna, who with their labour has contributed to the development and prestige of our city". With these words, Mayor Kotsev addressed the hundreds of guests and laureates of Varna Award. You are the pillars of our society and thanks to you we move forward", Blagomir Kotsev congratulated the awardees.
According to him, Varna is much more than the buildings, roads, bridges and ports. More than the renovations, the shiny office buildings and the restaurants. Varna is the totality of the talent and drive of the people of Varna, the sum of their eternal gaze towards the sea horizon, which inspires them to create and achieve. The Varna Award is the clearest proof for the recognition of the citizens of our thousand-year-old city for the work of the individuals who keep it alive and prosperous, the mayor of Varna also said.
The winner of the grand Varna Award this year is the graphic designer Dimitar Traichev.