For the first time in 27 years, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) has elected Prof. Ivan Ruschev - lecturer at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar".
With over 40 years of teaching activity at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", as well as at St. Cyril And St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, “Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse, Varna Free University and Burgas Free University, Prof. Ruschev probably needs no introduction to the legal audience. However, the recognition of BAS of Prof. Ruschev's merits for legal science deserves his contribution to be reminded.
Ivan Ruschev was born on September 5, 1957. He is a graduate of the Romain Rolland French Language High School in Stara Zagora and the Faculty of Law at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
Ruschev became a PhD in Civil and Family Law in 1995 with his dissertation 'Liability for Judicial Removal'. In 2000, he became an Associate Professor, and his habilitation thesis was 'The Concession Agreement'.
After 9 years, he defended his professorship with 'Regulatory Acts - a Source of Private Law', and in 2016, with the dissertation work 'Prestation', he became a Doctor of Science.
His scientific works are characterized by a marked practical focus and have been cited nearly 1,200 times in Bulgarian and foreign legal literature.
Prof. Ruschev's interests go beyond private law, in which he has specialized for more than 43 years, and cover other branches of law - constitutional, administrative, concessions, public procurement, etc.
Ivan Ruschev's scientific developments never remain purely theoretical, but are characterized by their practical usefulness for rule-making, justice administration and law enforcement.
In recent years, Prof. Ruschev's scientific interest has been strongly attracted by the problems of modernization and codification of the Bulgarian civil legislation, by substantiating the need and the search for ways to codify the Bulgarian civil legislation - an idea that has excited generations of Bulgarian civilians.
The recently published monographic studies on the Pantheon of Bulgarian Civil Studies - the Law on Inheritance, the Law on Individuals and the Family, the Law on Obligations and Contracts and the Law on Property, which are very backward in time, and on the unfulfilled Bulgarian dream - of a civil code, are dedicated to them.
Another area that has permanently attracted his scholarly interest in recent years is the revival of a branch of civil law that seems to have been completely forgotten by the Bulgarian legislator - personal law. Ruschev did comprehensive scientific research on the already outdated regulation of the legal status of natural persons in his latest monographs on the legal capacity of natural persons and on the unresolved problems of their legal capacity.
As stated, Ivan Ruschev is the first legal academician in 27 years. Chudomir Goleminov is the last lawyer to receive the title of academician. This happened in 1997. Since 2013, when Goleminov died, there has been no legal academician. Until 2009, when Yaroslav Radev died, the legal science was represented by two academicians.
Bulgarian citizens are elected academicians if they are corresponding members of BAS, have contributed to science with their particularly significant achievements, have gained wide fame and recognition in the country and abroad with active public appearances related to science and its application, and have an active research and expert activity.