In the three departments - Civil Sciences Department, Criminal Sciences Department, Public Law Sciences Department, university and doctoral students are trained in professional field 3.6. Law. The academic staff consists of more than 50 prominent scientists and experts from practice.
Students majoring in Law are trained in the educational and qualification degree 'master' with the professional qualification 'lawyer', giving graduates the opportunity to work in all areas of law - in the judicial system (the court, a prosecutor's office, the investigation), the bar, the notary, judicial executive offices, in public administration and local self-government, in commercial organizations, offices for international cooperation, etc. The curriculum was developed on the basis of Bulgarian and foreign experience in training lawyers and is in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation. Three blocks of disciplines are included: compulsory, elective and optional. The acquisition of the mandatory minimum of legal knowledge and the opportunity for students to orient themselves towards their desired specialization is ensured. The syllabi in the relevant courses in the curriculum while studying theory, legislation and law enforcement are developed on the principles of the interdisciplinary and comparative legal approach. During their studies, students carry out placements in a municipality, prosecutor's office and the court. After successfully passing the state exams, they acquire the legal capacity to exercise the legal profession after the mandatory internship and passing an exam at the Ministry of Justice, as provided for in the Judiciary Act.
Undergraduate MA Degree:
The speciality of Law provides master’s education and access to the professional qualification of Jurist, giving graduates the chance to embark on a career in any sphere of law, including any legal bodies (courts of law, prosecutor’s offices, and investigating authorities), the bar, the notariate, and any legal executive institutions, and public and local self-governance administrations, as well as any trade, business and international partnership organisations, etc. The curriculum is based on Bulgarian and international experience in teaching future jurists, and is complied with the Bulgarian law. The course comprises three types of disciplines: compulsory, elective and optional. It provides access to a mandatory minimum knowledge set, giving students the opportunity to choose their preferred subspecialty. The curriculums in all disciplines comprising the course of study, as regards theoretical issues, legislation and law enforcement, are based on the principles of interdisciplinarity and comparative legal approaches. During their studies, students attend work placements at municipalities, prosecutor’s offices and courts of justice. Upon successfully passing all state exams, graduates are awarded a professional qualification in law after a compulsory work placement and examination at the Ministry of Justice, in accordance with the Bulgarian Judicial System Act.