Speciality: Digital marketing and web design
Level of qualification: Master (M.Sc)
Length of program: 1.5 year (3 semesters)
Mode of study: distance learning, Bulgarian language only
Number of credits:
90 credits
Specific admission requirements: Applicants must have completed bachelor degree. They pass an exam / interview.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
The recognition of credits based on prior learning is done on the basis of presented diplomas and transcripts, as well as internationally recognized professional certificates.
• Recognition procedure: The students can use their prior learning in master degree in different EU universities following the ECTS credit system.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements:
In order to get their qualification students must be allocated 90 credits. All students complete their education with a thesis defense. Admission to the diploma defense is after successful completion of all semester exams.
Profile of the programme: Master's program "Digital Marketing and Web Design" aims to prepare highly qualified, modern thinking and competitive specialists in the field of digital marketing, working as web designers. Specialists in web design should acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in design, development, optimization, implementation and maintenance of web applications required for successful independent creative work and teamwork. The specifics of the Master's program is the acquisition of key skills in digital marketing as one of the main ways to implement effective communication with users - social networks, websites, e-content and more.
Programme learning outcomes: As a result of the training, students acquire:
Specific knowledge of web technologies, analysis, evaluation and design of web/mobile applications, sites and tools for digital marketing purposes, international web and digital marketing standards and digital competencies.
The practical skills acquired by the students are oriented towards: creating an aesthetically impactful and usable user interface: using HTML5 and CSS3, Java Script programming, applying modern web standards and tools for SEO optimization, social network analysis and project management, audio - and video editing and processing, content management, skills to combine different graphic and multimedia elements in order to achieve competitive digital marketing to build successful digital marketing campaigns and online positioning.
In accordance with the European competence framework and the National Qualification Framework, the education of students in the "Digital Marketing and Web Design" major stimulates the development of transferable competences for: teamwork, working in a digital and virtual environment, working in mixed international and interdisciplinary teams, innovative thinking and application of new technologies in solving various problems;
Personal competences: responsibility, independence, correctness, efficiency, initiative; communication, resistance to stress, ability to communicate with different professional groups; motivation and striving for continuous improvement of professional qualification and learning of new technologies.
Learning Competences: Consistently assess their own qualifications by assessing the knowledge and skills acquired to date and plan for the need to expand and update their professional qualifications.
Professional competences: acquired skills cover all necessary activities of design, development, optimization, implementation, marketing and maintenance of web applications necessary for successful independent and team creative work.
Programme structure diagram with credits:
Examination regulations, assessment and grading:
The regulations are specific to each course (project or task; individual or group assignments, research papers, tests, project assignment, etc.).
Graduation requirements:
Development and defense of a master thesis.
Occupational profiles of graduates: Graduates can work as web designers, specialists of SEO optimization, marketers and digital marketing professionals in advertising and creative agencies, web design companies and development, as well as any kind of companies that have their own department web design and marketing.
Access to further studies: Successful graduates can continue their education in postgraduate studies in other master degree programs or in scientific and educational degree "doctor".
Program Supervisor:
Assoc. Prof. Veselina Spasova, PhD
e-mail: vspasova@vfu.bg
Head of Department:
Antonina Ivanova, PhD
e-mail: antonina.ivanova@vfu.bg
Contacts with Department of Computer Science
Secretary: Galina Peneva
Tel.: +359-52 359572;
е-mail: cse@vfu.bg, galina.peneva@vfu.bg